Recent Episodes

Episode 1: Guy English

Daniel is joined by Guy English of Aged & Distilled for the debut episode of the Bitsplitting podcast.

Guy is a long-time game and application developer for Mac and iOS. His company recently launched Napkin, an elegant image annotation app for Mac. Separate from his software development expertise, he is an active promoter of the developer social community. In 2011, he co-founded the Çingleton Symposium, a Mac-developer conference held annually in Montréal, Québec.


  • @gte – Guy’s Twitter account.
  • Debug – Guy’s podcast with Rene Ritchie.
  • Çingleton Symposium – Mac-developer conference held annually in Montréal, Québec.
  • Bill 101 – Quebec’s legislation defining French as the official language of the province.
  • Usborne Computer Adventures – Variety of kid-oriented programming adventure games.
  • Objective-C Programming – Inroductory programming book by Aaron Hillegass.
  • Ubisoft – Giant game-development company. One of Guy’s former employers.
  • Lovelock, NV – The American desert city that captured young Guy’s imagination.
  • Rogue Amoeba – Strange name. Great software. Another of Guy’s former employers.
  • Napkin – Mac-based image annotation app developed by Guy with Chris Parrish.
  • Gus Mueller – Flying Meat founder and early beta-tester of Guy’s app Legion.
  • Cabel Sasser – Panic co-founder and another early Legion tester.
  • Delicious Library – Groundbreaking Mac-based inventory app by Wil Shipley.
  • NSNorth – Mac, iOS and web development conference debuting in Ottawa, Canada.

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